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初三英语课件按教材浏览: 北师大版 广东地区 冀教版 鲁教版 牛津英语 仁爱版 人教版 外研社英语 新标准英语 新课标人教版 新目标英语
·2016年人教版九年级英语Unit 1
·新目标九年级英语复习课件 unit1-5
·九年级仁爱英语课件Unit 3 Topic 3 Section B
·2022年九上Unit 8 Section B 2a-2e
·2022年九上Unit 8 Section B 1a-1d
·2022年九上Unit 8 Section B 3a-Self Check
·2022年九上Unit 8 Section A Grammar Focus-4c
·2022年九上Unit 8 Section A 3a-3c
资源名称 整理日期 版本 格式 人气
Unit 1 When will the match be held课件2
2010-11-18 外研社英语 ppt 434
Unit 2 Liu Xiang was trained for gold课件
2010-11-18 外研社英语 ppt 616
Unit 1 Paper and printing have been used for ages课件
2010-11-18 外研社英语 ppt 587
Unit 2 Books could be produced more quickly and cheaply课件
2010-11-18 外研社英语 ppt 615
Unit 1 You mustn't touch it课件
2010-11-18 外研社英语 ppt 668
Unit 2 There's no shouting and no running课件
2010-11-18 外研社英语 ppt 605
Unit 1 It's wasteful to throw away paper and metal课件1
2010-11-18 外研社英语 ppt 580
Unit 1 It's wasteful to throw away paper and metal课件2
2010-11-18 外研社英语 ppt 505
Unit 2 Remember three words reduce,reuse and recycle课件
2010-11-18 外研社英语 ppt 1349
I'm looking for the photos that you took in Australia课件2
2010-11-18 外研社英语 ppt 484
I'm looking for the photos that you took in Australia课件1
2010-11-18 外研社英语 ppt 691
Unit 2 The camel that I rode had a bad temper课件1
2010-11-18 外研社英语 ppt 476
Unit 2 The camel that I rode had a bad temper课件2
2010-11-18 外研社英语 ppt 379
Unit 1 It's the band which gets everyone dancing课件
2010-11-18 外研社英语 ppt 544
Unit 2 Read on to find out who the winners are课件
2010-11-18 外研社英语 ppt 531
unit 1 We need someone like Superman who can save Tony课件1
2010-11-18 外研社英语 ppt 651
unit 1 We need someone like Superman who can save Tony课件2
2010-11-18 外研社英语 ppt 405
There are several fan clubs in China which have held1
2010-11-18 外研社英语 ppt 411
There are several fan clubs in China which have held2
2010-11-18 外研社英语 ppt 412
There are several fan clubs in China which have held3
2010-11-18 外研社英语 ppt 359

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