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名称 2012-2013上学期外研版九年级英语作文背诵&词汇默写导学案
类型 教学资料
学科 英语
大小 0.01 MB
格式 doc
年级 初三|九年级
教材 外研社英语
上传 admin 审核 admin
时间 2013-01-02 11:51
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2012上学期九年级英语作文背诵&词汇默写导学案  编号41主编人:英语备课组
   (1)Protect our environment
Taking care of our environment is very important, because we have only one earth. But we still do harm to our environment today. For example, the factories put the dirty water into the river. Cars produce much pollution. People throw away rubbish everywhere. So we must do something to protect the environment. We should pick up the rubbish and throw it into dustbins, and we should collect waste things for recycling. We should use fewer plastic bags. We should try our best to make the earth more and more beautiful.
                             (2)Healthy life
Health is very important to every one. First, doing sports every day can help us keep healthy, make us happy and make our body strong. If we don’t take any exercise, we will become fat, feel tired and get sick easily. There are many sports we can do, such as running, swimming and ball games. Second, we must eat healthily. We should eat more fruit and vegetables. Eating more healthy food is good for our body. Let’s keep away from junk food. Lets do sports and eat healthy food every day.
                           (3)  Enter a music concert
There will be a music concert next Saturday. We should enter the concert hall 30 minutes earlier before the concert starts. We enter the hall by ticket only ,each one each ticket.  Smoking is not allowed in the hall. We mustn’t take food or drink into the hall. We can’t take photos during the concert. We can’t bring our cameras because we can’t take photos.We can’t talk loudly. But we can drink tea or coffee for free outside the hall during the break.(休息期间)
                              (4)Inviting foreign friends to stay in my house.
Some American students will come to learn Chinese. They will arrive here on January 3rd. I’d like to invite them to stay in my house. My parents are teachers and they know English well, so they can talk each other. My uncle is a driver. He can take them around our city. My aunt is good at cooking so they can enjoy Chinese food. They can learn Chinese cultures. My house is large , they can live in it comfortably. 新 课  标  第  一 网
Many people are very important in our life. We really need to thank them. I want to thank my mother, because she loves me very much and she has done a lot for me. I remember one day, when class finished, it was raining. I saw my mother waiting outside the school gate with an umbrella. On our way home, she held the umbrella for me but she got wet herself. I was moved deeply. I think we should learn about thanksgiving, I will help my mother with the housework.And I should learn to look after my mother. I must study hard to make progress in my study.                          (6)  A visit to Guangzhou
. Guangzhou is in the south of China. It has a long history. It’s not cold in winter. I  visited Guangzhou last winter. On the first day I went to Yuexiu Park and then I did some shopping. On the second day I climbed Baiyun Mountain and enjoyed the nice food there. Finally I visited Xiangjiang Wild Animal Zoo. The animals in the zoo were very interesting. I took a lot of photos of animals. I had a good time.
1、成长  ___________________     2、代表,象征    ___________________ 
3、建立,创立___________________    4、首先___________________
5负责、注意   ___________________  6浏览___________________
7一次        ___________________   8用手工___________________X|k |B| 1 . c|O |m
9在…的开始  ___________________   10而不是(前后一致)______________
11对…造成伤害 _______________    12对…产生重大影响________________
13张贴,挂起    ___________________ 14由…组成___________________
15许多   ___________________     16看看…     ___________________
17与…相似  ___________________   18在左/右边___________ ________
19接、搭载某人___________________  20即使___________________
21.和某人说几句话__________________ 22 赢得某人的心___________________ 
23也(句末)  _________________   24设法弄懂;计算出___________________
25试验、检验___________________   26首先  ___________________    
27顺便走访  ___________________   28与…一样___________________
29扔掉,抛弃___________________    30代替,而不是+ doing_____________
31.注意听___________________      32.从…内出来___________________
33.处于…的边缘___________________  34、在…的底部___________________
35.就…来说;至于___________________  36、不再___________________
37、数百万的 ___________________    38、逃跑___________________
39、暂时,一度 ___________________    40、谈论___________________
41. 放弃___________________         42. 碰见___________________ 
43. 与…一起___________________     44. 由于___________________ 
45. 增加___________________         46. 取得进步___________________ 
47某天      ___________________    48集中注意力___________________
49 从---开始___________________     50 在那边___________________ 
51.登记入住___________________     52. 填写___________________ 
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中“外研社英语 初三|九年级 复习资料 2012-2013上学期外研版九年级英语作文背诵&词汇默写导学案 教学资料”
中“2012-2013上学期外研版九年级英语作文背诵&词汇默写导学案 教学资料”
中“初三|九年级 2012-2013上学期外研版九年级英语作文背诵&词汇默写导学案”
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