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名称 2012年九年级英语国庆作业
学科 英语
类型 试题|试卷
大小 0.02 MB
年级 初四
教材 外研社英语
添加 admin 审核 admin
时间 2012-09-26 23:06
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一.单词 & 短语默写:
1. 学生_________ 2. 奇迹_________ 3. 事件_________4. 古老的_________
5. 升起_________ 6. 散开_________ 7. 明亮的_________8. 边,面_________
9. 高度_________ 10. 巨大的_________ 11. 面临_________ 12. 作品_________
13.尊重_________ 14. 自由_________ 15. 睿智的_________ 16. 每月的_________
17. 社会的_________18. 聪明的_________ 19. 死的_________ 20. 活着的_________
21. 高兴的_________ 22. 南方的_________ 23. 打败_________ 24. 奖章_________
25. 允许_________ 26. 艰苦的_________ 27. 鼓励_________ 28. 教练_________
29. 有规律地_________ 30. 记录_________31. 与…相对_________ 32. 栏架_________
33. 授于_________ 34. 比赛_________ 35. 思想家_________ 36. 注意听_________
37. 在… 底部______________ 38. 处于…边缘_______________ 39. 从…内出来____________
40. 就…来说_______________ 41. 数百万的________________ 42. 逃跑___________________
43. 不再_________________ 44. 谈论________________  45. 成长____________________
46. 太…而不能…_______________47. 首先_______________ 48. 影响某人_______________
49. 代表_______________ 50. 建立_______________ 51. 暂时,一度 ________________             
52. 太…不能…____________ 53. 受到…影响 ______________54. 建立,创立 _____________
55. 允许某人做某事 ________________ 56. 注意听 ________________        
57. 成长 ____________ 58. 对…做评论 ______________ 59. 把…与…比较 ___________
60. 采访某人 _______________ 61. 谈论 _______________ 62. 被鼓励做某事 ________________
63. 如此…以致…______________ 64. 被认为是…_______________ 65. 与…对抗 ______________
66. 作为…而闻名 _____________ 67. 生某人的气 __________ 68. 与…有关 ____________
69. 潜逃,逃跑 ________________ 70. 代表 ________________
1. 我的家乡发生了很大的变化。 Great changes _____________________ in my hometown.
2. 她今天早上发生了交通事故。 An accident___________________________ this morning.
3. 还有谁在房子里?______________________ is in the house?
4. 这条河有100米宽。 This river is _________________________________________
5. 天气太热了,为什么不开风扇呢?It’s too hot. ________________ turn on the fans?
6. 据我所知,他是我们班最有钱的。______________________, he is the richest in our class.
7. 我们不再是小学生了。We are _________________________________________________.
8. 我在考虑买一辆新车。I am ________________________________________ a new car.
9. 中国以长城而闻名。China ______________________________________ the Great Wall.
10. 我爸爸下了车,走进了一家商店。 My father ___________________the car and walked into a shop.
11. 他因抄袭作业而被惩罚。He______________________________________ homework.
12. 我爸爸总是生我的气。My father _______________________________________.
13. 他很伤心,以致于热泪盈眶。He was ________________________ tears came into his eyes.
14. 成龙作为影星而闻名。Jacky Chen ____________________________________ a film star.
15. MJ 象征Michael Jackson. MJ___________________________________ Michael Jackson.
16. 男孩因吸烟受到了惩罚。The boy _________________________________________
17. 孩子不准在马路上玩耍。 Children ___________________________________ on the road.
18. 我们不能被任何班级打败。We ________________________________________any classes.
19. 他的老师对他很生气。结果,他受罚了。His teacher _____________. As a result, he _________.
20. 这个男孩跑的很快,我都追不上他。 The boy ___________________________ catch him.
21. 既然刘先生已经到了, 我们就开会吧。___________ Mr has arrived, we can begin our meeting.
22. 她计划企业办自己的企业。She plans to __________ her own business.
23. 他喜欢把他所在的城市和伦敦相比较。 He likes to ___________________ London.
24. 王老师总是鼓励我们课上见讲英语。Ms Wang always ____________________ English in class.
25. 他被认为是在世的最伟大的诗人。He ____________________ the greatest poet _____.
26. 听到这个消息,我感到很惊讶。I _________________________________the news.
27. 他被认为是我们班的尖子生。He ________________  the top student in our class.
28. 男孩在森林里迷路了。The boy ___________________in the forest.
29. 他们很快地从房子里跑了出来。They _______________________the house quickly.
30.  地震之后,我们惊喜地发现他还活着。
After the earthquake, we ____________________that he ____________________
31. 这些书和他的学习无关。These books _______________________________his study.
32. 男孩因吸烟受到了惩罚。The boy _________________________________________
33. 学校鼓励我们学习外语。We ________________________ foreign languages at school.
34. 不要坐在床边。Don’t sit _____________________________ the bed.
35. 广州塔吸引了数百万的游客。The Guangzhou Tower attracts ______________________ visitors.
36. 你已经长大成人了,不能再依赖父母了。
You ____________________________, so you can’t depend on your parents any more.
37. 如果你想有好成绩,首先你得努力。
If you want to get good grades, ______________ , you have to work hard.
38. 小时候我父母总拿我和哥哥比较。I ___________________________ my brother when I was young.
39. 比赛将在一周后进行。The match ___________________________ in a week.
40. 他被邀请去了昨天的生日晚会。 He ____________________________ the birthday party yesterday.
1. Frank _______(help) his mother with the housework on Sundays.
2. I ________(become) a middle school student three years ago.
3. --Hello! May I speak to your father?
--Sorry, my father _________ (go) to Shanghai. He ______ there this morning.
4. The ___________(have) eggs and bread for breakfast tomorrow morning.
5. He ___________ (cross) the street when he was hit by b bike.
6. ___________(he write) a diary of school events at the moment?
7. Do you know when the doctor _________(arrive)? The sick boy feel terrible.
8. When she _________(read) the newspaper, John _______(fall) asleep.
1.  The blackboard ____(clean) every day.
2.  The old _______(respect) in China.
3.  ___ the camara_____(make) in Japan?
4.  English __________(teach) in most middle schools in China.
5.  He ____often_______ (hurt) by his classmates.
6.  The magazine_____________(start) yesterday.
7.  The old _____________(respect) in China.
8.  Some advice __________(give) to him.
9.  English __________(teach) in schools in China.
五.用适当的介词填空: in, after, through, across, by, for, as, 
1. You will get there ___ five minutes.         2. The car is driving _________the channel.
3. ___ five minutes, they got to the airport.      4. The boy was punished_____ his father.
5. Liang Liping is well known ______ her great dancing.
6. The ducks are swimming _____ the river.
7. Every day he goes back home _______the bridge and _______ the forest.
8. Miss Li began working her ______ a teacher in 2001.
1. How 有关的短语:多长_______, 多久以后___________, 多宽_________,
多深___________, 多久一次____________, 多远__________
1). How ______   is your home?     2) How ______ will you stay in school?
3) How _____ will he come back?    4) How ________is the desk?    5) How _____ is the sea?
6) --How _____ do you do your homework?  --Every day./ Six times a week.
2. 句型转换:如此…以至于(不)…___________,太…而不能…_______, 不够…____________
他太小了,不能去上学。               1) He is___________________ go to school.  
2) He is not _______________ go to school.  3) He is ______________________he can’t go to school.
3. 区分:alive意为_______: (放名词___), living意为_______ (放名词___),  lively意为________
1) Our English class is ________.     2) He was happy to see his son ______.
3) The fish is not dead. It is ________.  4) The ______ fish in the pond swim happily.
4. 区分: so that = _________, 意为________, in order to + _______
1) I stood back _____________________ enter first.  2) I stood back _____________ let her enter first.
5. 区分:so+ ________+ that,意为_________, such+ __________+ that, 意为_____________
  1) He is so _________________ he is always punished by his teacher. 他很懒,总是被老师罚。
2) He is such _________________he is always punished by his teacher. 他很懒,总是被老师罚。
6. 区分:die:______,( ___词),dead:_______, (____词)
  His grandfather has ___________ for many years. He ________ ten years ago.
7. 区分: first of all 意为________ VS   at first意为___________,
1)      If you want to get good grads, _____________ you have to have study hard.
2)      __________, nobody eat tomatoes. 
8. 区分:defeat:打败,(defeated, defeated), win:_____, (_____, _____) lose:_______, (______, ______)
   选择:______ sb.,   _______________ the match,  ______ the gold medal  
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