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2017年陕旅版四年级上册Unit 3 What`s for breakfas测试题|试题|试卷

名称 2017年陕旅版四年级上册Unit 3 What`s for breakfas测试题
学科 英语
类型 试题|试卷
大小 164 KB
年级 小学四年级
教材 陕旅版
添加 admin 审核 admin
时间 2017-10-16 23:29
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                Grade 4    Unit 3  What`s for breakfast?
一、            听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(5分)
(  )1. A. pig  B. big  C. bag        (  )2. A. red   B. bread   C. rice
(  )3. A. bad  B. egg  C. at         (  )4. A. breakfast  B. lunch C. dinner
(  )5. A. noodles  B. soup  C. milk
二、            听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(5分)
(  )1. A. Good morning .     B. Good afternoon.
(  )2.A. I have rice for lunch.  B. I have noodles for lunch.
(  )3.A. I don`t like milk.     B. I like milk.
(  )4.A. What`s for breakfast?  B. What`s for lunch?
(  )5.A. Bread and milk.      B. Bread, eggs and milk.
三、            听录音,给下列图片排序。(5分)
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(   )          (   )       (   )         (   )              (   )
四、            听录音,补全对话。(5分)
A:  Good morning.              B:  Good morning.        A: What`s for___________?
B:  Bread, ______ and _______.   A: I don`t like _______.     B: They are good ______you.
A:  Umm… it`s good.
一、            给下列单词分类。(20分)

doctor  dog    cat     nurse     breakfast   driver   sheep   dinner   policeman    lunch   noodles  milk    bread   dumplings  juice     cow     tea     rice     ice-cream    supper

职业:______________________________  动物:_____________________________________
食物:______________________________  三餐:_____________________________________
二、            单项选择并填空。(10分)
(  )1. Dinner ____ ready.   A. is    B. are      C. am
(  )2. He ______ rice and fish.      A. like    B. likes    C. have
(  )3. _____ you have dumplings?   A. Does    B. do     C. Do
(  )4. Does he have noodles ______ home.   A. at   B. in    C. on
(  )5. Let ____ have some bread.          A. is    B. us    C. we
(  )6. ________ for breakfast?      A. What    B. What is    C. When
(  )7. We have noodles ______  lunch.    A. for    B. to     C. in
(  )8. There ____ some noodles on _____ desk.   A. are; the   B. are; /    C. is; the
(  )9. We have rice, chicken _____ soup.   A. or    B. but    C. and
(  )10. –Look! We have meat and soup. --_______________!
A.    Very little        B. Very good        C. Thank you
三、            选词填空。(5分)
good       have       for        and       very 
1.      I ________ rice and soup for dinner.        2. What`s ______ lunch?
3.  ________morning, Mom and Dad!         4. We have chicken _______ vegetables.
5.  I like rice ______ much.
1.  likes    noodles     She  (.)__________________________________________
2.  don`t   We     have    bread(.)________________________________________
3.  have   chicken    I    little   very(.)______________________________________
4.  you  home  dumplings  at  Do  have (?)_______________________________________
5.  porridge  eggs  Let  us  and  have  instead(.)______________________________________
1. We have dumplings .      否定句:We _____ ______ dumplings. 
                     一般疑问句: ____ ______ _______ dumplings ?
2.      My mother likes noodles.   否定句:My mother _______ ________ noodles. 
                   一般疑问句: _____ ______ _______ _______ noodles?
                         提问:_____ ______ mother _______?
六、            连线。(5分)
1.      Hi, Kitty.                               A. We have bread and milk.
2.      Do you have fish at home?                 B. No, she doesn`t.
3.      Mom, what`s for breakfast?                C. Oh. I like dumplings.
4.      Does she like vegetables?                  D. Hello. Aunt Li.
5.      We have dumplings.                      E. Yes, we do.
七、            阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)
     This is a photo(照片)of my family . This is my grandpa. He is a good worker. This is my grandma. She is a farmer. The tall man is my father. He is a great doctor.  And the woman is my mother. She is a kind nurse. The little girl is me !
(   )1. There are four people in the photo.     (   )2. Her mother is a kind nurse.
(   )3. Her father is a farmer.               (   )4. Her grandpa is a farmer , too .
(   )5. I am a little girl .
八、            给下列句子排排队,组成一段完整的对话。(5分)
A.  We have eggs and milk.
B.  Mom, what`s for breakfast?
C.  But I don`t like milk.
D.  Kitty, breakfast is ready. Come on !
www.xkb1.com              新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载!E.  That`s OK ! We have soup ,too .

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