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名称 2017年11月译林版四年级英语月度质量检测题及答案
学科 英语
类型 试题|试卷
大小 502 KB
年级 小学四年级
教材 牛津英语
添加 审核 admin
时间 2017-10-30 15:11
评价 ☆☆☆☆☆
(     )1、A. salad         B. some       C. sweet
(     )2、A. here          B. there       C. where
(     )3、A. pineapples     B. mangoes    C. grapes
(     )4、A. apple         B. animal      C. about
(     )5、A. hurry         B. have        C. horse
(     )6、A. monkey       B. elephant     C. lionX  k B 1 . c  o m
(     )7、A. but           B. box        C. bag
(     )8、A. fifteen        B. fourteen     C. thirteen
(     )9、A. sticker        B. stickers      C. sixteen
(     )10、A. many        B. man        C. can
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                 (     )                  (     )
(     )1、Do you like this panda?
(     )2、I have some mangoes.
(     )3、Is this your pencil?
(     )4、They’re cute and fat.
(     )5、How many cars do you have? 新 课   标   第  一 网
(     )1、A. Yes, I do.    B. No, it isn’t.       C. It’s my tiger.
(     )2、A. No, thank you.  B.Yes. Here you are. C. No, I don’t.
(     )3、A. Six.       B. Thank you.       C. Yes, it is .
(     )4、A. I have a car.  B. How beautiful!    C. Yes, they are.
(     )5、A. Great!     B. No, I don’t.       C. No, I do.
1. 两匹马____________________ 2. those toy tigers________________
3. 我们的朋友________________ 4. run with me__________________          
5. 一只橙色的玩具狗__________ 6. how many___________________
7. 一些贴纸__________________ 8. how old_____________________
9. 十三本书__________________ 10. purple grapes________________
(     ) 1. A: Look at _____bag. B: It’s nice.
A. those            B. these            C. this
(     ) 2. ______are black and white.
A. Pandas            B. Elephants        C. Horses
(     ) 3. I like______. I have a fruit_______.
A. pies; pie          B. pies; pies         C. pie; pies
(     ) 4. A: Can I have a look? B:_______.
A. They’re nice.      B. Yes, I can.        C. Sure.
(     ) 5. A: ______ you have _____balls? B: Yes, I do.
A. Are; any          B.Do; a             C. Do; any
(     ) 6. A: What do you have? B: _____some crayons.
A. I can              B. I’m             C. I have
(     ) 7. A: Would you like______pears? B: No, thank you. http:/ /www.x kb1.com
A. any                B. a               C. some
(     ) 8. How many ______ do you have?
A. pencils             B. a pencil          C. pencil
(     ) 9. You have two__________.
A. some crayons        B. crayon               C. crayons
(     ) 10. A: What’s this? B: It’s ______ little elephant.
A. these               B: a                  C. an
1. Look at this           (cat / cats). It's lovely.
2.         you like dogs?   No, I        . (do / don't)
3. Look at           (that / those) pictures.
4. Do you like           ? (panda / pandas)
I                          II
(      )  1. Do you like fruit ?            A. They are cute.
(      )  2. What are those over there ?     B. It’s my ruler.
(      )  3. What do you have?           C. They are horses.
(      )  4. Look at these pandas .         D. I have some balls.
(      )  5. What’s that under the desk?     E. Yes, I do.
1. fifteen, I, pears, have
2. have, any, you, hot, do, dogs
3. what, have, you, dow    W w  .x K  b 1.c o M
4. many, you, do, how, have, dolls
5. like, don’t, I, grapes
A.     It’s a dog .
B.      Do you like dogs ?
C.      Hi , Yang Ling . What's this ?
D.     Yes, I do.
E.      I like dogs, too .
     A. What do you have ?
     B. It’s lovely .
     C. Do you like pies ?
     D. They’re cute and funny .
     E. How many oranges do you have ?
1. A: Look at these toy animals .
2. A: I have nineteen oranges .               
B: Fifteen .
3. A: I like pies .               
B: Yes , I do . I have a pie here .
4. A: Look at my toy monkey .
5. A: I have some dolls .               
B: I have some dolls too . X  k B 1 . c  o m
十二、阅读对话,判断正误。(正确的打T, 错误的打F)(10分)
Liu Tao: Grandpa, this is Mike. He’s my friend.
Grandpa: Nice to meet you, Mike. Welcome to my farm.
Mike: Nice to meet you, Grandpa.
Liu Tao: Mike, look at the cows. Are they cute?
Mike: Yes. How many cows do you have, Grandpa?
Grandpa: I have twelve cows.
Mike: What are those on the river? Are they ducks?
Liu Tao: Yes, they are. We have nineteen ducks.
Mike: Do you have any pigs?
Grandpa: Yes, I do. I have nine pigs. They are over there.
1. Liu Tao and Mike are at the zoo(动物园). (    )
2. Liu Tao and Mike are friends. (    )
3. They see (看见) some cows on the farm. (    )
4. Grandpa has nineteen pigs. (    )
5. The ducks are on the river. (    )
1、A. salad  2、A. here   3、B. mangoes   4、B. animal   5、 C. horse
6、C. lion   7、B. box    8、B. fourteen   9  B. stickers  10、C. can
1. I have some grapes .
2. ----What’ s this ?  -----It’s a dog .
3. I don’t like lions .  X|k  |B|  1 . c|O |m
4. I have some fruit .
5. This panda is cute .
1. Do you like this pencil?
2. I have some mangoes.
3. Is this your pen?
4. They’re cute and fat.
5. How many toy cars do you have?
1、What’s this?
2、Would you like a pineapple?
3、This is for you.
4、What do you have?
5、Do you like these lions?
一、1-5 AABBC  6-10 CBBBC
二、42153        三、FTFTF       四、CABAB
五、1. two horses       2. 那些玩具老虎
    3. our friends       4. 和我一起跑
    5. an orange toy dog  6. 多少
    7. some stickers     8. 多大
    9. thirteen books     10. 紫色的葡萄X|k  |B|  1 . c|O |m
六、1-5 CAACC    6-10CAACB
七、1. cat      2. Do don’t     3.those     4. pandas
九、1. I have fifteen pears
     2. Do you have any hot dogs
     3. What do you have
     4. How many dolls do you have
     5. I don’t like grapes
X k B 1  . c  o m

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中“牛津英语 小学四年级 考试卷 2017年11月译林版四年级英语月度质量检测题及答案 试题|试卷”
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