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名称 2017年陕旅版四年级上册英语中考试题
学科 英语
类型 试题|试卷
大小 11 KB
年级 小学四年级
教材 陕旅版
添加 admin 审核 admin
时间 2017-11-06 08:47
评价 ☆☆☆☆☆
I. 补全单词,并与相应的汉语意思用线连起来。(10)
   1. n     se          A.马              F. 米饭         6. br     kf  st
   2. d  ct  r          B.护士            G. 警察         7.r   ce
   3. dr  v             C.医生            H.面条         8.p  l  c  m  n
   4. d  ck            D. 司机           I. 饺子         9.n     dle
   5. h     se         E.鸭子             J.早饭         10.d  mpl  ng
   1.早睡早起。                                   .        2. 吃午饭                     3. 做游戏                   4.喜欢饺子                    5.看电视              
III.选出不同类的一项。(5)新-课 -标 -- 一-网
   (   )1. A. banana      B. cook      C. farmer        D. teacher
   (   )2. A. pig         B. worker     C. cow         D. hen
   (   )3. A. breakfast    B. lunch       C. ship         D.supper
   (   )4. A. meat        B.chicken     C.vegetable     D. fish
   (   )5. A. games       B. morning     C. afternoon    D.evening
1.do(单三)               2.have(单三)                  3.class(复数)      
4.sheep(复数)             5.do(否定缩写)               6. doesn’t(完全形式)     
7. work(名词)      8.drive(名词)         9. cow(复数)        10.watch(单三)          
V. 连线。(10)
   (   )1. What is your father?                     A. They have some toys in the box.
   (   )2. Who is that man?                       B. My father is a teacher.
   (  )3. When do you get up?                    C. We have meat for lunch.
   (   )4. What do you have in the box?              E. I get up at six in the morning.
   (   )5. What do you have for lunch?               F. He is my brother.
VI. 选择填空。(10)
  (   )1. I want       a cook.       A. be        B. to be        C. is        D. are
  (   )2. What        your mother?      A. be        B. about       C. do        D. does
  (   )3. What     your grandpa and grandma?  They    farmers. 
A. are  are  B. is  is       C. are   is   D. is  are
  (   )4. What do you do       the farm?   A. in         B. under     C. on     D. at
  (   )5. There      a cat and two dogs in the room.   A. be    B. to be    C. is    D. are
  (   )6. What’s     lunch?         A. on      B. in           C. for       D. at
  (   ) 7. Tom        a dog.       A. don’t have  B. doesn’t have  C. don’t has  D. doesn’t has
  (   )8. They        cows.
         A. don’t have any   B. doesn’t have some     C. don’t has any   D. doesn’t has some
  (   )9. Tom     up at six in the morning.       A. get     B. to get    C. gets   D. getting
  (   )10。I go to bed     night    home.   A. at  at  B. at  in   C. in  in   D. to  to
VII. 根据汉语提示,补全句子。(10)
   (   )1. We have rice, chicken, _________(蔬菜) and _________(汤).
   (   ) 2. __________________________?(晚饭吃什么?)
   (   )3. We ________________(上课)at eight in the morning.
   (   )4. When does your grandpa ______________(睡觉)?
   (   )5. __________________(几节课)do you have in the afternoon?
VIII. 给句子看看病,在错误的部分下划“     ”,并把它更正在后面的横线上。(10)
  1. She are a farmer.                           
  2. Tom have an egg for lunch.                    
  3. I get up in six in the morning.                 
  4. When do she get up?                        
  5. Early in bed and early to rise.                  
Ⅸ. 找出下列一般疑问句的肯否定回答,将序号填在横线上。(10)
A: Yesshe is.    B. YesI do .    C. Yesthere is.    D. Yesthey are.      E. Yesshe does.
 F. No, She isn’t.  G. No, there isn’t.  H. No, I don’t.   I. No, She doesn’t.   J .No, they aren’t.
1. A: Are they farmers?         B:                       
   2. A: Is she a cook?            B:                     
   3. A: Do you have meat?        B:                  
   4. A: Does she have meat?      B:                   
   5. A; Is there a cat?            B:                   
X k  B 1 . c o m
Ⅹ. 轻松阅读,正确选择。(10)
        My name is Alice. There are five people in my family. My grandpa and grandma have a big farm. There are many animals on it. My father is a teacher. He gets up at six in the morning. He has meat vegetable for lunch. My mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital(医院).She has soup for supper. I am a student. I am in Class2 Grade4. I have four classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon.  I have eggs and milk for breakfast. I love my family. We have a happy(幸福的) family.
    (   )1. There are         people in my family.     A. three        B. four       C. five
    (   )2. My father is a       .      A. teacher      B nurse.       C. student
    (   )3. My mother has        for supper.   A. meat vegetable B. soup     C. eggs and milk
    (   )4. I am in Class      Grade        .       A. 2  4        B. 3   1     C. 4   2
    (   )5. I have        classes in the afternoon.    A. three      B. four       C. five
Ⅺ. 按要求改写句子。(10)
1.      My father is a doctor.(就划线部分提问)  ___________________________?
2.      He is my brother.   (就划线部分提问)  ___________________________?
3.      I want to be a bus driver. (就划线部分提问)  ___________________________?
4.      My mother gets up at six. (否定句)_________________________________.
                      (就划线部分提问)  ___________________________?
w   W  w .x K b  1.c o M

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