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2023年陕旅版五年级英语下册Unit 8单元测试题


名称 2017年11月新标准五年级英语月考试卷
学科 英语
类型 试题|试卷
大小 210 KB
年级 小学五年级
教材 外研社英语
添加 admin 审核 admin
时间 2017-12-11 14:47
评价 ☆☆☆☆☆
五年级英语11月月考试卷  班级_________姓名_______
(   )  1  A. dear    B. ear    C. wear     D. hear
(   )  2  A. bike    B. live    C. rice      D. like
(   )  3  A. park    B. star    C. argue    D. warm
(   )  4  A. bird    B. girl     C. fire     D. thirteen
(   )  5  A. rice    B. music   C. crayon    D. cat
  (   )(1) What time              A.  起床
(   )(2) at nine o’clock           B .  和….跳绳
(   )(3) get  up                C.  九点整
w    W w .X  k b 1.c
 (   )(4) skip with               D. 什么时间
(   )(5)  play chess             E.  下象棋

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1. Dogs are very ________.
2. There is a TV ________ about animals.
3. He’s ________.  He can’t see.
4. He can _______ the ball well.
5. We ________morning exercises in the morning.
A. She can play basketball well. 
B. The boys can play football well.
C. She can jump really high.
D. She can jump far.
E. She can run very fast.

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(   )       (   )        (   )      (   )     (   )
(   )1. This is ________ school.
A. Sam and Amy      B. Sam and Amy’s    C. Sam’s and Amy
(   )2. School starts ________ nine o’clock ________ the morning.
A. at;  on           B. in;  in                   C. at;  in
(   )3. —________ is it now?
—It’s half past five.
A. When              B. What        C. What time
(   )4. —________ do you go to school?
—I ride my bike.
A. What              B. How        C. What time
(   )5. —________ did they skip?
—In the playground.
A. Where             B. What time              C. What
  A. go to bed    B. get up   C. at half past seven.
  D .in the playground      E. skipped

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1. I ________ ________ at half past six.
www.xkb1.com              新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载!2. Yesterday I ________  with the girls.

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3. We play ____    ____.    

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4. I ________ ________ ________at 9: 00 p. m.

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5. I go to school ______ ________ ________.
(   )1. What’s the time now?       A. I get up at half past seven.
(   )2. What time do you get up?       B. He went to Amy’s school.
(   )3. Do you do morning exercises?        C. It’s nine o’clock. 
(   )4. What do you do at the weekend?      D. Yes,, I do.
(   )5. Where did Daming go yesterday?        E. I go shopping.
Many people like keeping dogs.  In cities, people keep a dog not only for pleasure but also for safety.  A dog can be a good guard.  In the country, farmers like keeping dogs for pleasure too.  Besides, some dogs can help farmers look after animals, such as sheep and pigs.  Dogs can also be helpful for policemen.  Dogs often do important work for them.
Dogs are our good friends, and we should take good care of them.
(   )1. Many people like dogs.
(   )2. People keep a dog only for pleasure.
(   )3. In the country, dogs can help farmers look after animals.
(   )4. Dogs can help students.
(   )5. Dogs are our good friends.
  Every  weekday Yesterday
8:00 go  to  school went  swimming
10:30 do  morning  exercises played  games
17:30 go  home did  homework
21:30 go  to  bed watched  TV
1.      I _________ at eight o’clock.
2.      I _________at half past ten.
3.      I __________at half past five p.m..
4.      I __________at  half past nine p.m..
5.      Yesterday I _________.
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