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新版牛津英语六年级上Unit4 Then and now重点知识

名称 新版牛津英语六年级上Unit4 Then and now重点知识
类型 教学资料
学科 英语
大小 5 KB
格式 doc
年级 小学六年级
教材 牛津英语
上传 admin 审核 admin
时间 2014-12-26 11:27
评价 ☆☆☆☆☆
Unit4  Then and now
an e-book  a mobile phone  a newspaper  a radio  a telephone  a TV
二、重点词组新 课    标    第  一 网

six years ago
read and draw
do many things
write letters to
use the telephone
at home
in the office
a mobile phone
write emails
listen to the radio
read newspapers
on the Internet
read e-books
make friends
at school新课   标  第  一 网
buy things from shops
from all over the world
do shopping
work hard
be on holiday
invent the aeroplane
the Americans
the British新课   标  第  一 网
an English lesson
look out of the window
listen to me
go on
What day is it today?
It’s Wednesday.
Can you spell it?
get angry
make a sentence with “…”
eat a cake
wait for the answer

1、could +动词原形  could 是can 的过去式
   couldn’t=could not
2、also 也  too 也X|k |  B| 1  .  c|O  |m
3、listen to
4、an English lesson   an 的用法
5、is looking out of the window 现在进行时
6、What day is it today?
   It’s Wednesday.
7、Can you spell it?
四、 语法
见page39w     W  w  .X k b 1. c O m
新课 标第 一 网
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