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2021年pep三年级英语上册Unit 6知识点清单


名称 2015新版苏教版新译林三年级英语下册教案全册
类型 教案|教学设计
学科 英语
大小 65 KB
格式 doc
年级 小学三年级
教材 牛津英语
上传 admin 审核 admin
时间 2015-03-04 23:38
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Unit 1 In class
The first period
一、教学内容:Story time.
2、使学生能听懂、会说、会运用祈使句:Stand up. Sit down. Open/ Close the door.
3、使学生能正确地连读祈使句:Stand up.
2、使学生能听懂、会说、会运用祈使句:Stand up. Sit down. Open/ Close the door.
1、祈使句Stand up.的连读。X k B  1 .  c o  m
2、词汇open 和close 学生容易混淆。
歌曲《Stand up》; door的图片。
Step 1. Greeting.
T: Good morning, class.
S: Good morning, …
Step 2. Leading in: Listen to a song: Stand up.
Step 3. Teaching the sentence: Stand up.
1. Lead Ss to find the new sentence in the song, then write it on the blackboard.
2. Lead Ss to read it by themselves.
3. Teach Ss to read it, then choose someone to read one by one.
4. Teacher does the action, lead Ss to guess the meaning of it.
5. Listen to the song again, try to sing it.
6. Sing after the computer sometimes.(The students only sing the sentence: Stand up. The teacher sings the others.)
76. Sing it without the music.
87. Ss sing it in pairs.
9. Choose some pairs to sing. X k B  1 .  c o  m
10. Teach Ss to(连读)
Step 4. Teaching the sentence: Sit down.
1. Write the sentence on the blackboard, then lead Ss to read it by themselves.
2. Teach Ss to read it, then choose someone to read one by one.
3. Teacher does the action, lead Ss to guess the meaning of it.
4. Give Ss the music, ask them to try to use this sentence instead of ‘Sit down’, then sing the song again.(Two times)
5. Ss try to sing the song together.(Two times)
6. Choose some groups to sing.
Step 5. Practice the two sentences.
1. Lead Ss to sing the song with the two sentences.
    First, ask Ss try to sing in groups, then sing it together. At last, choose some groups to sing together.
www.xkb1.com              新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载!www.xkb1.com              新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载!2. Lead Ss to know the meaning of the four words: stand      sit, up      down.
3. Ss read the words one by one. At the same time, teach Ss to do the action of them.
Step 6. Teach these words: open, close, door.
1. Teach the word: door.
(1). Show Ss the card of the word, then ask Ss to try to read it by themselves.
(2). Teach Ss to read it some times.
2. Teach the words: open, close.
(1).Write the two words on the blackboard, then ask Ss to try to read them by themselves.
(2).Teach Ss to read them some times.
(3). Do an exercise: Read and match.
open          关上
          close                    打开
(4). Help Ss to remember the two words.
3. Practice.
(1). Make phrases with the three words.
(2). Sing the song ‘Stand up.’ with the two sentences: Open the door. Close the door.
Step 7. Consolidation.
Sing the song ‘Stand up.’ with the four sentences: Stand up. Sit down. Open the door. Close the door.
1. Give Ss some minutes to sing it in groups.
2. Ss sing it together.
3. Choose some groups to sing.
Homework: Sing the song ‘Stand up.’ with the four sentences: Stand up. Sit down. Open the door. Close the door.
X| k  |B| 1 . c| O |m
Unit 1 In class
Stand   up.

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Sit     down.
www.xkb1.com              新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载!Open
                                                           the door .

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