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2021年pep五年级英语上册Unit 6知识点清单


名称 广州版五年级英语下册教案全册
类型 教案|教学设计
学科 英语
大小 0.05 MB
格式 doc
年级 小学五年级
教材 广州版
上传 admin 审核 admin
时间 2013-03-03 00:04
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Module 2 Seeing a Doctor

Language skill
Can talk about the names of common illness in English.
Can express different feelings and symptoms when being ill, and ways of talking to a doctor.
Language knowledge
4 skills:
feel, wake, wake up, ill, matter, What’s the matter? quickly, get dress, bad, hot, cold, have a cold, sweet, bath, have a bath, pale, first, medicine, take medicine, time, headache, tooth-ache, fever, pain, you’d better= you had better
3 skills:
plenty, plenty of, checkup, stomachache
I feel ill.
You should drink plenty of water.
You shouldn’t go to bed late.
You’d better stay in bed.
Daily expressions in communications
It’s time to get up.
I don’t want to be late for school.
What’s the matter?
Take the medicine three times a day.
I have a cold.
Don’t eat too much chocolate.
To raise awareness of the letter-sound and sound-spelling correspondence.
Unit 4: Janet Fells Ill
Unit 5: Janet Goes to the Doctor’s
Unit 6: Let’s Go Further
To raise the awareness of fostering healthy living habits.
To practise giving advice like “You should…” and “You shouldn’t…”
To cultivate pupils’ creativity.
Learning strategy
Cognitive strategy.
Regulating strategy.
Communicative resource strategy.
Cultural Consciousness
To provide pupils with more information about children’s school life in other countries.
To provide pupils a chance to think about their own school life.
To suggest more ways of getting healthy.
Ⅱ.Difficult points
To express different feelings and symptoms when being ill, and ways of talking to a doctor.
Ⅲ.Schedule: 9 long-periods
Textbook, Activity book, tape, Teacher’s book, cards, computer, TV

Unit 4 Janet Feels Ill

Vocabulary: cold, have a cold, headache, tooth-ache, fever, stomachache, bad, hot, cold, pain
Drills: What’s the matter with…?
I fell… 
She fells…
I have…
She has…
To learn the names of common illness in English.
T: I feel ill. I want to see the doctor.
Present: Module 2 Seeing a Doctor
Show pictures one by one:
What’s the matter with the lady?
She has a cold.  Teach : cold, have a cold
What’s the matter with the man?
He has a headache.  Teach: head+ache---headache, have a headache
What’s the matter with the young lady?
She has a tooth-ache.  Teach: tooth+ache----tooth-ache, have a tooth-ache
What’s the matter with the boy?
He has a stomachache.  Teach: stomach+ache---stomachache, have a stomachache
What’s the matter with the man?
He has a fever.  Teach: fever
What’s the matter with man?
He has a sore throat.  Teach: sore, throat
Work with Language P24
Match the speech bubbles with the pictures in pairs.
Teach: pain
I have…
He/ She has…
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