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2021年pep五年级英语上册Unit 6知识点清单


名称 译林版新教材五年级英语上册Unit1教案
类型 教案|教学设计
学科 英语
大小 25 KB
格式 doc
年级 小学五年级
教材 牛津英语
上传 admin 审核 admin
时间 2014-09-01 19:56
评价 ☆☆☆☆☆
1. learn the vocabulary: Goldilocks, forest, soup, just right, hard, soft, afraid, bears, in front of.                                
2. Learn the sentences: There is/are ….
3. Train Ss enjoy the fun of this story. http://w ww.x kb1.com
1. learn the vocabulary: Goldilocks, forest, soup, just right, hard, soft, afraid, bears, in front of.
2. Learn the sentences: There is/are ….
教学设计 二次备课及
Step1. Warm up
1. Greeting
Boys and girls, welcome back to school. Good morning
I’m happy , how about you?
But I’m a little hungry, are you hungry?
2.Look and guess
What’s the matter with me ?
3. Say and chant (一边说一遍做动作)
If you are hot, you can have an ice cream.
If you are cold ,you can eat some hot noodles.
If you are hungry ,you can eat a cake
If you are thirsty, you can drink some juice
If you are tired, you can go to bed.
Step2. Preparation
1. There’s a girl , she is hungry and thirsty.
   Look, what colour is her hair? 新 课 标 第  一 网
   It’s golden, so we call her goldilocks
2. Look at the picture, try to answer
Where is goldilocks? She’ s in the forest.
What’s in the forest? There is a house.
3. Goldilocks is hungry and thirsty, then she sees a house, so surprised, yes?
Now you’re in front of the house, is it beautiful? How to say?
What a beautiful house! (用惊喜、感叹的语气读)
Step3 Presentation
What’s in the house? Let’s go and have a look.
1. Listen to the tape
  There are some soup, beds, bears.    How many? Three.
2. Show
1)Here are some soup,
 This soup is too cold, this soup is too hot, this soup is just right.
 (教师边品尝边做动作,让学生理解cold, hot, just right)
2) Then Goldilocks is tired, she sees three beds.
This bed is too hard, this bed is too soft,
this bed is … (让学生根据教师的表情说just right)
3) Read the words.
4) Choose some Ss to say: This… is too…
3.If you’re tired, you can go to bed. Close your eyes , go to bed together.
T: Who are you? (教师戴上头饰说)
How do you feel? Are you afraid?
Goldilocks is afraid, so she shouts: help ,help. (让学生尝试害怕的语气)
4.Wow,a funny story, Let’s read it
1) Read after teacher    2) Read in pairsX K b1.C o m
Step4. Consolation
1.Look and order
1) Complete by oneself   2) Check (同时在黑板上形成思维导图)
2.Try to repeat the story.
3.Act in pairs (一名学生做解说员,一名学生表演Goldilocks)
1)Practice    2)Choose some pairs to act
Homework: Read and repeat the story, try to tell it to your parents.
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