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2021年pep五年级英语上册Unit 6知识点清单
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五年级下册Module2 Unit 1 She learnt English教案

名称 五年级下册Module2 Unit 1 She learnt English教案
类型 教案|教学设计
学科 英语
大小 8 KB
格式 doc
年级 小学五年级
教材 外研社英语
上传 admin 审核 admin
时间 2015-02-28 23:25
评价 ☆☆☆☆☆
Module 2 Teaching periods 2
Teaching aims 1.Enable the Ss to learn the words: learnt, taught, language, wrote, dancer, foreign.
2.Make the Ss understand and use the new sentence patterns:
She learnt English.
Did she learn any foreign languages.  
He  is  learning English now.
3. Grammar: Talking about the past and present.
Teaching importances Talking about the past and present. X |k  |B| 1  .  c|O |m
Teaching difficulties Use the past tense to describe the past things.
Teaching aids Tape-recorder, word cards, pictures
Pre-set demands The students should read the new words and lessons for five times,it can help the students understand the text.
Teaching pre-set procedures Changes of the design
Unit1 She learnt English.
Step1:Warming up
T: Hello, Good morning, class. 
S: Good morning, teacher.
T: How are you today?       新 课   标   第  一 网
S: We are well.
T: What day is today?        
S: Thursday.
T: Are you ready for your English class?
S: Yes. We are ready.
Game:  Review the past tense of some verbs.
Step2:New teaching
1.Use some pictures to learn important sentences.
Did you/he /she …..? 
Yes, I/she/he did.  No, didn’t.
He is doing …….
2.Learn new words and phrases.
3.plays the tape and have Ss underline the new words  and phrases. Teacher guides to learn by all kinds of   methods.
4.Listen and repeat 
5.Act out the test. (Give Ss some minutes to practise.)
Step3:Practice and consolidate.
1.Show two pictures and have Ss describe (use the  important sentences)
2.Do activity 3. http://ww w.xkb1 .com
3.Have Ss look it , give some minutes to practise in  pairs ,then act  it  out.
Game : teacher have Ss take out their photos and  describe  it. The others guess it.
Step4:Sum  the  lesson
live(过去式)______  city(复数)_________
be(过去式)________  do(过去式)_________ 
talk(现在分词)_______ dance(名词)________
learn(过去式)________ come(现在分词)___________
在田地里_________      be tired_____________
努力学习_________      teach Chinese_________
读书____________       by school bus_________
做蛋糕________         foreign languages__________
谈论_________         learn English______________
Try to describe the other persons to your parents.
Blackboard –writing design Module2 Unit 1 She learnt English.
She learnt English.
Did she learn any foreign languages.  
He  is  learning English now.
Teaching notes  
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