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2023年中考英语试题专题05 单项选择之非谓语
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2023年中考英语试题专题01 单项选择之名词、


名称 2013年仁爱版中考英语模拟试卷
学科 英语
类型 试题|试卷
大小 1.18 MB
格式 doc
年级 初三|九年级
教材 仁爱版
添加 admin 审核 admin
时间 2013-03-03 00:17
评价 ☆☆☆☆☆
第二部分  选择填空 15
(A) 单项选择:从每小题ABC三个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。(15)
(    )31. — Can you pass this exam?
— ________. I’m working hard this year.
A. Of course                           B. Not at all                         C. No, I can’t
(    )32. — Do you have any ________?
— Yes, my father has three brothers.
A. aunts                                  B. uncles                             C. sisters
(    )33. — If I have time, I will take you to the beach. It’s so nice!
— Really? We can go there by ________.
A. us                                      B. our                                 C. ourselves
(    )34. — ________?
— A pizza, please!           
     A. May I take your order            B. May I have the bill        C. Can I sit here
(    )35. — How much is your MP4? 新 课  标  第  一  网
— It cost me two ________ yuan.
A. hundred         B. hundreds        C. hundreds of
(    )36. — We are going to play a football game ________ Class 3 this Sunday.
— I will cheer you on. I hope our class will win.
A. for       B. to                         C. against
(    )37. — I often go to school by bike, What about you?
— My home is next to our school, I ________ go to school on foot.
A. never                                B. always                                   C. seldom
(    )38. — Long time no see. How is everything going now?
— ________.
A. Oh, no                               B. Me, too                           C. Just so-so
(    )39. — What do you think of your new neighbor?
— I don’t think he is so ________ as the old one.
A. friendly                              B. more friendly                  C. the most friendly
(    )40. — I am sorry I can’t get a ticket to the concert for you.
— ________
A. Go ahead!                     B. Let me see.                   C. Thank you all the same.
(    )41. — I want to be a scientist in the future.
— I hope your dream will ________.
A. come out                            B. come true                        C. carry out
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中“仁爱版 初三|九年级 2013年,仁爱,中考,英语,模拟试卷,第二,部分,选择,填 2013年仁爱版中考英语模拟试卷 试题|试卷”
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