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2021年pep五年级英语上册Unit 6知识点清单


名称 新版PEP小学五年级英语上册Unit2.A教案(全英文)
类型 教案|教学设计
学科 英语
大小 13 KB
格式 doc
年级 小学五年级
教材 pep人教版
上传 admin 审核 admin
时间 2014-09-01 19:56
评价 ☆☆☆☆☆
Teaching  contents                                                       
Unit Two   My  week    Part  A                    
   Teaching  aims      1.      To learn the new words : Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday                     
2.      To learn the key sentences:                         
              What do you have on Mondays?
              I have Chinese, English, math and music.  
3.  Student can make sentences use the key sentences.                            
  Important  points      The key sentences:                                   
                What do you have on Mondays?           
              I have Chinese, English, math and music.  
   Difficult  points      1.  Make sentences                                     
 2.  Translate into Chinese :  “ Let’s talk ”             
    Teaching  aids      The word cards , a tape ,   X k  B 1 . c  o m                             
 Teaching  procedures        Teacher         Students       
                 The  first  lesson                    
    I   Organization                                  
        1 , Greetings Let’s play                                  
        2 , Free talk                                    
   II   Revision                                      
        1 , Review the words                          
        2 , Review the “ Let’s talk ” of Unit One               
   III  Presentation                                   
        1 , Open the book “ let ’s learn ”                
        2 , Teacher show cards :                          
           Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday , Sunday                    
        3 , Listen to me carefully                        
        4 , Read after me                             
        5 , Listen to the tape and read after it                
        6 , Learn the key sentences :                     
               What do you have on Mondays?           
                I have Chinese, English, math and music.                      
        7 , Translate into Chinese       w    W w  .X k b 1.c O m      
   IV  Practice                                     
        1 , Read new words by themselves               
        2 , Listen to the tape and read after it            
        3 , Give enough time to read them                
        4 , Let students make sentences                 
   V   Summary and homework                      
        1 , Read and write down the new words          
        2 , Recite the key sentences                     
              The  second  lesson                     
    I  Organization                                   
       1 ,Greetings :  Pair work xKb  1. Com              
       2 , Free talk                                   
   II  Revision                                      
       1 , Review the new words :  Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday , Sunday                   
       2 , Review the key sentences                     
  III  Presentation                                   
       1 , Open your book                            
       2 , To learn the “ let’s talk ”                      
       3 , This is the dialogue of John and Grandfather           
       4 , Let’s translate into Chinese :                  
          Teacher say English                         
       5 , Listen to me carefully                        
  IV  Practice                                      
       1 , Read “ Let’s talk ” by themselves                
       2 , Listen to the tape and read after it             
       3 , Give enough time to read them                 
   V  Summary and homework                       
       Recite the “ Let’s talk                           
                The  third  lesson                      
I   Organization                                 
        1 , Free talk                                     
        2 , Let’s try :  Listen and circle                                  
   II   Revision                                     
                     新|课   |标|第 |一| 网                
         Review the “Let’s talk ”                                 
   III   Let’s spell                                    
         1 , Open your books and turn to page sixteen               
         2 , Read, listen and chant                        
            feet , tea , beef , read , meet , eat                   
         3 , Listen, repeat and circle                           
         4 , Listen, write and say                          
5 , Choose one sentences from above and write                              
    IV  Practice                                     
         1 , Recite the “ Let’s talk ”                    
         2 , Read “ Let’s talk ” by themselves                
         3 , Give enough time to read them               
     V  Summary and homework                       
         1 , Recite the “ Let’s talk ”                    
         2 , Finish the English excise                   
  Say “ hello ” to each other 
  Listen and write          
  Students look at cards    
                      Read after teacher       
  Look at the  blackboard  
  Read loudly            
  Practice in groups       

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