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2021年pep五年级英语上册Unit 6知识点清单
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译林小学英语5A Unit2 A new student教案

名称 译林小学英语5A Unit2 A new student教案
类型 教案|教学设计
学科 英语
大小 13 KB
格式 doc
年级 小学五年级
教材 牛津英语
上传 审核 admin
时间 2014-09-04 15:48
评价 ☆☆☆☆☆
     Unit2 A new student
1. Learn the vocabulary: classroom, table tennis room, computer room, music room, on the first/second/third floor, show her around
2. Learn the patterns: How many are there …? Is/Are there any…? Yes, there is/are.
Learn the vocabulary: classroom, table tennis room, computer room, music room, on the first/second/third floor, show her around and patterns: How many are there …? Is/Are there any…? Yes, there ….
教学方法    情境教学法新|课   |标|第   |一| 网
Step1 Warming-up    
Greetings and free talk.       Greetings and free talk.
T: What’s in our classroom?       S: There is/are ….
Recite some vocabulary.     Recite some vocabulary.
Check the answers.     Check the answers.
Step2 Presentation   
T: Look, who are they?       S: Yang Ling and Miss Li.
T: This is Nancy Black. She’s Yang Ling’s friend. She’s a new student.       Learn: Nancy Black, a new student
T: Can you show her around?     S: Yes!
Teach: show her around      Learn: show her around
T: What happened? Let’s watch the cartoon, please.      Watch the cartoon.
Ask and answer the questions, then fill the forms.    Ask, answer the questions and fill the forms.
classrooms-24-our classroom-on the second floor
two computer rooms, a library-on the third floor
a music room, a table tennis room-on the first floor
Listen to the tape and notice the pronunciations and intonations.   Listen and notice.
Try to read the dialogue.     Try to read新|课   |标|第   |一| 网
Read the story together.      Read the story together.
Choose one kind of reading and read in groups.     Choose one kind of reading and read in groups.
Read this story in roles.       Read this story in roles.
Act the dialogue.   Act the dialogue.
Step3 Consolidation 
Read the new words and sentences.  Read the new words and sentences.
T: Is there a blackboard in our classroom?       S: Yes.
T: Are there any pencils in your pencil case?    S: Yes
Teach: Is/Are there …?       Learn: Is/Are there …?
Describe something: Is there …? Yes, there is. Are there any …? Yes, there are.Describe something.
Step4 Homework      
1. Copy the new vocabulary.
2. Read, recite and act this story.
                             Unit2 A new student
How many …? There are ….
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