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5A Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears教案表格式集体备课

名称 5A Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears教案表格式集体备课
类型 教案|教学设计
学科 英语
大小 16 KB
格式 doc
年级 小学五年级
教材 牛津英语
上传 审核 admin
时间 2014-09-04 15:48
评价 ☆☆☆☆☆
年级学科组 五年级 备课人     1 单元  1 课时 1    课时  
课 例 内 容 Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears 活动时间 20140830  课型 新授课  
课时目标 1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:hard,soft,afraid,in front of
2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型:There is …. There are ….
3. 能运用所学单词和句型进行交流。
教学重、难点 1. 能正确运用所学单词和句型交流。
2. 掌握There be句型,正确运用其单复数句子。
教具准备 多媒体课件,板书,小奖品。新|课   |标|第   |一| 网                                                                                                             
教学过程 Step 1. Preparation
1. Warming-up
T: Hello, boys and girls.
S:Hello,Gao sir
T: First, let’s sing a song.<Two little black birds>
T: You all sing very well. Look at the picture, there is a lovely girl and two little
Ss: Yes.
T: Ok, and today we are going to learn a new lesson about a girl and three bears, the
girl named Mary.(呈现课题Mary and three bears)
Step 2. Presentation & Practice
(一)T:You all did a good preparation. Now,boys and girls, look at the picture,what’s that?
Ss: It’s a clock. w     W w   .X k b 1. c O m
呈现There is a clock in the picture.图片由clock变成watch,再由book变成bag。
1.T:What’sin my bag? (包里放了一个娃娃,一本故事书。)引导学生猜测出There is a storybook.There is a doll.
   T: Look, I have two dolls in my bag. So I can say:呈现There are two dolls.
2.T: Can you say the difference between“there is” and “there are”?
Learning tip:There be 句型:分单数There is …和复数There are… 两种,不可数名词统一用There is…它们都解释为“
有”,表示存在有,含义是在某地方有某东西。如:There is a teacher.There are some teachers.
3. T: What’s in the box? What’s on the box?
引出 What’s in front of the box?
Work in pairs: 同桌一问一答操练句型
There is … in/on/in front of…
There are … in/on/in front of…

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