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Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation Period 3教案

名称 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation Period 3教案
类型 教案|教学设计
学科 英语
大小 14 KB
格式 doc
年级 初二|八年级
教材 新目标英语
上传 nadiannahu 审核 admin
时间 2013-09-12 17:23
评价 ☆☆☆☆☆

Unit 1: Where did you go onvacation?

Period 3

一、教学内容Section B 1a?1e


1、学习掌握有关评价事物的形容词:delicious, expensine, exciting, cheap,terrible, boring and so on.

2、能运用be+形容词来评价事物,如:Twww.xkb1.com              新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载!hepeople were friendly.






Step 1: Revision

1、Show some adjective words on theppt and ask them to read and get the meaning of them.

2、Fill in the blanks.

.relaxing,     interesting,  boring,   exciting

unfriendly, www.xkb1.com              新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载! beautiful,    terrible,   expensive

1. ---How was the film?--- It was ________,I donwww.xkb1.com              新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载!’tlike it.

2. ---How was your trip?

--- It was _________ and I had a good time.

3. The story is ________, I like itvery mwww.xkb1.com              新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载!uch.

4. The people on the island() are _________ to us.

5. She wears a __________ coat.

6. This bike is very _____, I can’tafford (支付) it..

Step 2: Presentation

1Brain-storm.Ask them to make a list of description words in groups.

2Getthem to know the use of these words.

3Dividethese description into two parts on the blackboard.\

4Thenfinish activity “1b”. Divide the words in “1a” into these two parts.

5Readthese words and make sentences with them.

Step 3: Listening

1Read the four questions in 1cand get themeanings.

2Listen to the tapeand answer the four questions.

3Listen again, anduse some description words to fill in the blanks in activity 1d.

4Listen and repeat.

Step 4: Practicing (1e)

1、First, ask Ss to read this conversation and thenrole-play it in pairs.

2、Then, with some key words, let the Ss askand answer questions about Lisas vacation with she.

lWhere did she?

lWhat did she?

lDid she ?

lHow was?

lHow were?

Step 5: Summary

1、Description words: delicious, expensive, exciting…

2、Ask and answer questions with past tense.

Step 6: Homework

1、Collect more description words after class.

2、Preview Jane’s diaries and mark the new words and phreases.


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